

Welcome to True Heart Beauty – a beauty blog dedicated to holistic living. This is your resource to find organic beauty tips including skincare, cosmetics, and nutrition. I believe that true beauty comes from the inside out. We can truly feel beautiful only when we take the time to care for our bodies, hearts, and minds.

My journey with organic beauty began when I was struggling with chronic acne. I spent a great deal of money on mainstream products and prescriptions that promised to clear my skin – eventually leading to tears and disappointment. Feeling like a failure, I spent even more money on makeup to cover my acne. I wanted others to see me for who I was – not a face with acne.

I knew something had to change. I found a naturopath who helped me discover how food can heal my acne. I reached out to other women who experienced similar struggles, and they inspired me to make some positive changes. I quickly learned that my skin is a reflection of my health. A switch went off inside me, and I was ready to embrace a change in lifestyle – even small changes made a big impact!

By decreasing the level of toxins I put in and on my body, increasing nutrition, using products that are healthy and effective – and a WHOLE LOT of self-love – I was able to cure my acne, boost my immune system, and embrace an overall sense of positivity in my life!

I hope that sharing my beauty tips will inspire your own journey to enhance your natural, inner (and outer) beauty!

<3 Holly


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Your website is extremely informative. I am an avid wearer of perfume but did not understand about how the toxins can effect my body. I am
now considering your advise by using natural scents. Thank you for your information to help me stay healthy.

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